#10 Hand Write 30 Letters

When I started my 30×30 list, I thought this would be the easiest item on the list. Boy was I wrong. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do – ever. Having said that, it was also one of the most freeing and peaceful things I’ve done. I am guilty of assuming. I assume my friends and family know I love them and that I’m grateful for them. I assume those who make a difference know that they do. I assume a lot. This process took me out of my head and brought me into action.

It wasn’t easy, it took all year, and it was worth every second.

And of course, I had a system. Here it is for those of you who may want to do it yourselves:

1. Make a list of 30 people. Friends, family, people who have impacted my life; basically the first 30 people who came to mind.

2. Find the perfect cards. Each card was specifically picked for the person it was written for. They ranged from quotes to pictures to outright crazy.

3.Write from the heart. Part of why this took so long was the gut reaction of  “Oh my God, they are all gonna think I’m stupid”. Once I put that aside and just wrote, they flowed a lot better and were more genuine.

4. Let go. Let go of any resentment, anger, frustrations – basically all negative feelings.

5. Stamp them and mail them. No one really gets any fun snail mail anymore so it makes them more unique and special so forget delivery and stick them in the mailbox.


Have fun!


#26 Dance in the Rain

My cool rain boots! (Yes, I know the pants go inside, this way was cuter)


This is Las Vegas where the sun shines at least 335 days out of the year. Rain is a unique and note worthy experience here. Natives tend to go insane with excitement over even the smallest drop. I enjoy the rain, but it’s rare for me to actually take the time to stop what I’m doing and go play. (Hence the reason it’s on my list) Well, today it rained and instead of thinking about the 10 pages of stuff on my to do list and the hundreds of emails waiting for something, I decided to take 20 minutes to just play.

I didn’t have to go very far. I live in the middle of town where the streets are a bit older and very good for attracting puddles. I also live in a neighborhood where there are a ton of kids who are home schooled. Put those two things together and it’s the prefect recipe for a fun-filled dance in the rain. We splashed, kicked, and boogied down. It was the absolute best way to recharge my batteries and of course, dance in the rain.

#13 Read and finish Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”

I know it seems a bit weird for an avid reader such as myself to have a book on her 30×30 list. I agree it is a bit out of character. However, this is the one book I’ve never been able to get through. Oh I’ve owned it for years, in fact I own several copies of the book. I keep finding them at used bookstores, garage sales, and thrift shops. Everywhere I look , there’s a copy. So I took it as a sign that I should actually read the book.

There are a lot of great nuggets of information in the book that I’m sure to talk about in future posts. However, a few quotes stood out enough to share now.

“The man who can follow a leader most efficiently, is usually the man who develops into leadership most rapidly. An intelligent follower has many advantages, among them the opportunity to acquire knowledge from his leader.”

This one spoke to me because it’s very fitting for a few things going on in my life at the moment both in my position as a leader and a follower. I forget sometimes that in doing everything myself, I am taking away the opportunity of others to learn. Instead, I must constantly be searching for my replacement knowing that someone is always looking for me to be theirs.

“No alibi will save you from accepting the responsibility if you now fail or refuse to demand riches of life, because the acceptance calls for but on thing – incidentally, the only thing you can control – and that is a state of mind. A state of mind is something that one assumes. It cannot be purchased, it must be created.”

“To be successful, you must find peace of mind, acquire the material needs of life, and above all, attain happiness.”

Ironically, when I attended Eagle Quest this idea of a peaceful life wouldn’t leave my head. Since then I have been taking steps to peace – cleaning out my house, returning borrowed items, finding ways to get rid of worry, even making sure my inbox is cleared out before I go to bed at night. I’m not quite there yet, it’s a work in progress, yet I am feeling better in just these few months.

I could go on and on. Pretty much the whole book is highlighted and dog-eared. I do believe I have found tons of material for future blog posts. Goodbye writer’s block.

30X30 #9 Pay for the person behind me at Starbucks

Stolen from Google

“Starbucks represents something beyond a cup of coffee.”
Howard Schultz


I had an amazing day yesterday. I was very productive and on purpose which in turn made me feel great. As a result, when I pulled into the Starbucks drive thru, I decided today was the day to brighten someone else’s day. My favorite part was watching the expression of confusion and happiness on the face of the woman behind me as I drove away and  the barista gave her the good news.



*On another note, the new Cocoa Cappuccino is my new favorite.

30X30 #14 Attend Eagle Quest

See Humu E Da ~ Soaring Tribe

I spent an amazing two and a half days at the Rapport ranch attending one of the best advanced leadership classes ever. I did things I never thought I could, met some amazing people, and identified my dreams. I climbed over walls and walked on air. I am an Eagle Quest warrior!

Princess Peaceful Dragonfly

One of the things we were encouraged to do was chose a warrior name. Having had friends go through the class, I was somewhat prepared for this. After a bit of debate, I settled on Princess Peaceful Dragonfly. Why?

Dragonfly: “Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world”.  To me they also represent imagination and ideation.

Peaceful: Because I wish for peace in my life. Peace meaning drama free in my social life, avoiding gossip. Peace in my work life, doing the things that need done, ending each day with a cleared inbox and task list. Peace at home, a clean, clutter free living space. Peace of mind, the self chatter limited if not gone.

Princess: I once spent an entire weekend with a Tiara on my head – mainly because someone didn’t think I would. From that day on, I have been referred to as Princess. I almost wasn’t going to add it to my name thinking people would think poorly of me because of it. Then I realized, it’s my name to choose. Princess is a place of self actualized power. It’s a very real anchor to a time in my life where I have never been more on purpose, more focused. About an hour after choosing my name, I realized it wouldn’t be complete without the Princess.

Partners ~ Princess Peaceful Dragonfly and Coyote Otter

On the last day, we got to do a high ropes course. I loved it. There is something freeing about being that high up in the air. For once, I don’t have to words so instead I’ll just let some pictures do the talking.

Where two elements collide.


Getting rid of a few lies


My coach and me

Princess Peaceful Dragonfly and Kicking Giraffe (With a Ding Ding Bear lurking behind)